Month: December 2014

Break Off Limitations – By Kim Hadaway

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Several months ago, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit, and I heard a phrase from Him out of 2 Kings 6. This chapter begins with the sons of the prophets realizing the place they had been living was too limited. That is when they asked permission of the prophet Elisha to go and enlarge their territory. They began to chop down the trees to enlarge this place, and also removed the obstacles that blocked their vision.

There were many things the Lord spoke to me out of this, but we will only touch on this one. Prophetically, I believe the Lord showed me it was time to remove the things that obstruct our view of who God is and all that He has made available to us. It is time for us to have an enlargementof the Kingdom of God released in us. I began to cry out for an enlargement of my territory, but it began with enlarging my view of Him.

He has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness, but we have been limited because of where we have been living, and because of our perception of His Kingdom. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in a place of limitation in any area any longer. This was an amazing thing—God was showing He wanted to enlarge my territory, but really, He wants to enlarge all of our territories.

Feeling Limited? Walk in the Fullness!

Have you ever felt limited? Have you ever had seasons you feel you can’t fully enter into all God has for you, because of the limitations?

I believe we have all felt limited at times, but we serve a God who gave us everything. He desires for us to walk in the fullness of all He has released to us. He also has made a way for us to walk in complete freedom with no limitations. The Word says Jesus came that we would have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). If we are not walking and living in the abundant life, we need to find out why.

The Word also says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Jesus came to give us all freedom. Let’s join in agreement to have freedom from all limitations; this is part of God’s plan for every one of us. Another powerful thing that Jesus stated is that the things He did, we would also do (John 14:12).

That is our hearts cry, “God, we want to walk in the fullness of all that You have made available for us. We want to see Your Kingdom come in fullness in every area of our lives; we want to model this and step into the fullness of all we were created to be and do. We want to be demonstrations of Your Kingdom and Your power on the earth.”

We have been seeing this in greater ways than ever before in the past few years but, guys, there is more. If I don’t see salvations, healing, cleansing of the leapers, healing of AIDS and HIV, the raising of the dead on a regular basis, then I am not fully walking in all Jesus paid for and has intended for me. We can get so caught up with daily life that we lose sight of the living reality that is before us: Jesus has given us all, and He has greater plans for us.

Preach the Gospel Where You are At

There is a great commission and we are all called to it: We are commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. Some of you may say, That limits me. Well, not really. Where is your world? You can reach out where you live. Some may say, I have a physical disability and can’t leave my home. You can influence your world by being a light to those you come in contact with. If you are reading this on the Internet, that can be a form of reaching your world and the nations. We must no longer allow wrong thinking and mindsets to govern what we perceive to be effective.

I remember a young man several years ago who took every word literally concerning the word Jesus spoke in Matthew 10 . This young man went out on a mission to another country, because the part in the Word about cleansing the lepers was not available for him where he lived. He sought out the lepers; did he see the lepers cleansed the first time he went? No, but he saw the village saved! That is pretty big, I would say. So again, don’t allow discouragement to bring limitation. If you don’t see it at first, then there will be a next time.

I live in North America. I can’t say I have ever seen a leper, but I have seen HIV and AIDS. I believe this is a part of that commission: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers. Have we seen cancer? Have we seen disease? Again, expose the lie. If you are homebound, how can you do this? Prayer! You can find the need and pray from where you are at. God is not limited to our location, so we shouldn’t be.

Again, are you battling limitations in any area of your life? Today is the day for them to be broken off! Let’s press in for the greater to be released in our lives. This young man could have said, I don’t know anyone in this foreign country, or I don’t have the finance, or I fear the unknown, or man has blocked my path. What God has for us, man cannot stop, if we pursue God and His Kingdom.

“Your Authority is with God, Not Man”

Many years ago I had a prophetic word spoken over me several times. It was this, “Your authority is with God, not man.” Let me share the interpretation. There is a place where I felt man would disqualify me, man did not always cheer me on, I felt limited by man’s perception of me and my gifting or ability. But God has always known the plans that He has for me and for you! I began to pursue that plan, and God began to open doors. That is a continual process—if we look at man and see how man has not always celebrated us or seen the gift in us, or feel they may not celebrate us because of our weak areas or lack of training, we will be limited.

I know of two stories that can blow that theory out of the water. One was Gideon and another was David. God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel. But as you remember the story, it was not the one who man would have thought was the obvious choice—it was the small shepherd boy who had been tending the sheep. In this chapter God states to Samuel, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). David was a man after God’s own heart. Let us together pursue God’s heart in every area, no longer allowing past limitations or obstacles to block or hinder.

When we pursue God fully, all the things of the world fall away. It is like the old song we sing, “In the light of His glory and grace…the things of earth will grow strangely dim” (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus). Let’s focus on Him, His face, His goodness, His glory, His truth, His provision, His covenant to us!

I have another testimony that should inspire us all. I met an amazing woman of God who has a son with Down Syndrome. Her family’s desire is to see him healed and made whole, but in the meantime they are not allowing limitation to stop them from living in full blessing. When this young man was growing up, his mother would pray over him and prophesy to him that he would be a blessed man of God, strong in the Lord and be a minister of the Gospel to the nations. They would find themselves in meetings and this would be prophesied over him and them also.

But what was awesome and so sweet to me was this. At times this young man would come to his mother and lay his head on her shoulder and say, Tell me again, Momma, about how I will be a man of God and minister the good news of Jesus to the nations. She would and he did. This young man, when he turned 18, was asked by his family what he wanted for his birthday. He said, “I want to preach,” so his family gave him a platform to do this. They got him a suit, invited family and friends, and his mother even told him, “You seek the Lord for your message and I will write it out for you, but you will have to ask the Lord what He would have you share.”

He did and people were so blessed by this young man. Later his family was going on a missions trip and he shared he felt the Lord calling him to go also, and had even had a word of knowledge about a young boy with Down syndrome and God touching him with His healing power. He even saw the young boy’s face. The last night of the missions trip, he met this young boy God had shown him. So, the point of this is, God used this young man with Down syndrome to bring the good news of Jesus Christ and Him crucified for us all to the nations! Who was limited? Not this young man nor his family. They knew in whom they serve and believe that He is faithful and His words are true.

The Enemies of the Past are Being Cut Off

In this past season, I heard the Lord say to me that the enemies of the past are being cut off. In this past season, I felt the Lord show me that the things of our past that had pursued us will no longer have place to rule over our lives. Is it your past that is limiting you? Read Exodus 14:13-16 and Isaiah 43. The enemies of Israel’s past pursued them, but God showed His mighty power on their behalf. He also showed them the authority He has given His servants and how we need to use it, no longer held back by our understanding or the threats of the enemy.

How does that take place? Know your God and His Word, His covenant, seek Him and His face, praise Him. We are instruments of praise; let’s release the new sounds of praise within us. Also, we need to change our minds and focus on all that Jesus has done for us. Praise Him daily for it. Read Psalm 103 and Zechariah 3.

We need to change our focus. What you focus on, you empower. Look at the Lord and His promises and ask Him to give you a deeper revelation of Him and His Kingdom. This is a season of renewed passion, and as we enter into the heart of God daily, we are finding a deeper revelation of all. Let’s pray.

Prayer to Pray Over Yourself and the Body of Christ

Lord, we thank You for exposing all limitations that have been operating in our lives, and we thank You for removing them. We thank You for the invitation into this place of enlargement.

Lord, we choose this day to have a renewing of our minds, and we call for a removal of all mindsets that have held us back. We thank You that the enemies of our past are being cut off right now. We choose to focus on You and Your Kingdom and all You have given us, and no longer focus on limitations or lack. You are the living Word and Your Word is true.

Thank You for watching over and caring for us. Thank You for providing for every need. Thank You for a fresh anointing for every season and for enlarging our capacity to love and receive love. We also give thanks for this season of renewed intimacy with You, and we thank You that You have invited us into this place. Thank You that You are taking us deep into Your heart and revelation of who You are and all You are, just as You did for John in the book of Revelation.

Give us clarity of vision and open our eyes, Lord. We are hungry to see You like never before. We desire the deep things of God, no longer having limited or shallow understanding. We desire to join You in this place of illumination and renewed and deepened intimacy, and we accept Your invitation. We thank You that You have shown us Your Kingdom realities. Thank You that You are establishing Your Kingdom in us like never before.

Lord, we thank You that You hear every heart cry and You answer as we call on You.